Saturday, 31 October 2009

Eighth Word

Ok so the posting at fajr is not working, i'm thinking that, like me, no one really switches their computers on at that time. But perhaps we should try to post before the end of the day! I know its late, but I'll post a word anyway:

قسَّ يقسُّ

'Qassa yaqussu' - to seek, pursue, aspire, strive (for)

naqussu an nadkhulu jannatallahi...

[or is it an nadkhul...?]

Friday, 30 October 2009

Seventh Word

'kadda' - effort.

Man, try typing arabic with no arabic stickers on the keyboard...Two letter word is enough!

'tajannaba' - to shun or avoid.

Thursday, 29 October 2009


جَنَّ is a root word for many other words. Its different forms are in verbs and nouns. It means something hidden. So جنة
is a hidden reward of the Hereafter. جِن are creatures hidden from our eyes, جنون is the hiding or covering of the senses or aql
and جِنِىن is the foetus in the womb, also hidden from the eyes. Cool no?

Fifth Word

رهب يرهب

rahiba yarhabu - to be frightened, to dread...

a tarhabunee...?


no i didnt think so.

oops bit of a late post.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009


عيشة - life

"الاقتصاد في انفقة نصف المعيشة و التودد الى الناس نصف العقل و حسن السؤال نصف العلم"

Hadith: Moderation in spending is half of one's livelihood, friendliness towards people is half of one's intelligence, and asking good questions is half of one's knowledge.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Third word


'Tareeyun' - fresh

A'Tinee ba'Da faakihatin Tareeyatin...give me some fresh fruit? hmm...someone correct me.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Second Word

ألهلى يلهي

'alhaa yulhee' - to distract.


omg, i can't remember the sarf kabeer for the mu'tal verb in this form...! help...?

Saturday, 24 October 2009

First Word

حَبَرَ يحبُرُ

to make happy...

ureedu an ahburukunna = I want to make you happy [?]

The Game Rules

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,

I thought I would make learning vocabulary a little more interactive and insha allah make it a more consistent part of our schedule.

Here are the game rules. It is a very simple game really.

1) At fajr, someone posts a new word on the blog if there is not already a new one. If there is already a word posted [ie someone has already beaten you to it] then that is the word for the day to be learnt.

2) If possible, it would be good if all of us could put a comment on the post to say that the word has been learnt.

At the moment, we can keep it to 'a word a day keeps ignorance away' philosophy, and if the idea actually works [insha allah...] and we gain consistency, then we can increase the number of words learnt per day.

Duas requested.
