Saturday, 24 October 2009

The Game Rules

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,

I thought I would make learning vocabulary a little more interactive and insha allah make it a more consistent part of our schedule.

Here are the game rules. It is a very simple game really.

1) At fajr, someone posts a new word on the blog if there is not already a new one. If there is already a word posted [ie someone has already beaten you to it] then that is the word for the day to be learnt.

2) If possible, it would be good if all of us could put a comment on the post to say that the word has been learnt.

At the moment, we can keep it to 'a word a day keeps ignorance away' philosophy, and if the idea actually works [insha allah...] and we gain consistency, then we can increase the number of words learnt per day.

Duas requested.
